Povijest sokola

  • History of Croatian Hawk for honorary guard


    Croatian Hawk is non-profitable independent and non-party, historical-sports-cultural and humanitarian association which respects government, Constitution and all present laws int he Republic of Croatia and with its volunteer work it fights for benefit, prosperity and preserving of national consciousness of all Croatian people. Today, Croatian Hawk in Osijek is the only volunteer asociation of Croatian Hawk in Croatia which has about 2800 members.

    In this association there are historical formation of honorary hawk guard, music ensamble with tambura and 5 sports clubs and 4 schools.

    Our members range from children to retired people, but we can point out for sure that most of members are the young who do different activities which our asociation offers, so everybody can find something what they want.

    In order to save tradition and to make national awareness stronger of Croatian youth the association organises historical – manifest forms of work, especially with significant anniverseries when it participates in the public life of the City, District, State government, Church and the Croatian army.

    In this opportunity we would like to point out humanitarian activities which Croatian Hawk has started on the niveau oft he City and District, and it refers to the help to the children of killed Croatian soldiers, orphans from home „Klasje“, home for the old and the weak, Clinical Hospital Osijek, cultural-artistic envents, organizing of sports events and many other activities in corporation with those who want to improve activities among the young.

    Croatian Hawk in Osijek was founded as far as 1896. in the Upper Town. The main purpose of the association was gymnastics as basic in bringing up the youth, Croatian Hawk continues the tradition of the guard oft he Croatian vice-roy Josip Jelačić and in the political sense int he Kingdom Yugoslavia it was opposit associoation to Yugoslavia Hawk, so it was awakening and protecting national awareness of Croatian men. Because of these reasons the work of Croatian Hawk was not allowed in ex Yugoslavia.

    In 1990. Croatian Hawk was renewed, but when the war broke out its members had to go int he war to defend newly formed state and national independence, so they fought for sovereignty of the home land, not allowing the enemy to pass and continue the attack on our homes. At that time Croatian Hawk had a name Hawk district Strossmayer.

    In 1995. the work Croatian Hawk was renewed again when it continued promoting of historical role of the association, so they  started to get parade uniforms and other equipment. Then the association changes the name in Croatian Hawk of Osijek – Baranja district.

    In our association the main purpose of existance is honorary hawk guard which has up to 50 members, consisting of students, pupils and workers. Hawk guard participates in many manifestations which are organised on the niveau of the city, district, State, army, Church, primary schools, secundary schools, universities, sports and cultural associations.

    Honorary hawk guard consits of members of honorary guard infantry and cavalary guard who make over 150 parades in Croatia and abroad a year.

    The novelty int he work of association is cavalry guard itself which already comprises a part of the promotion of Croatian Hawk and it participates only on the most important manifestations, but also participates in tourist promotion of Slavonija and Baranja with hackney-carriages and country-waggons.

    In the honorary hawk guard there is military hierarchy: major, captain, first lieutenant, lieutenant, corpolar and in the end the guard.

    Honorary hawk guard is organized according to military regulations which is conducted on every manifestation.


    Significant dates:

    • the Croatian Hawk was its day 31th April in the memory of great Croatian martyrs Petar Zrinski and Fran Krsto Frankopan
    • pupils’ guard or honorary hawk guard celebrates their day 21 March, because it was founded 21 March 1848, and it kept vice-roy Josip Jelačić, as order and piece in restless Croatia
    • in 1985. Croatian students under the flag of Croatian hawk union and under the leadership of Stjepan Radić and Vladimir Vidrić they bourned Hungarian flag not supporting government which ruled at that time. Because oft hat 16 October is the day of pupils’ flag
  • Fotografija iz 1914 godine u ulici Stjepana Radića
  • Odabrano iz povijesti o načelima i duhu sokolskom
  • “Gore srca hrvatski narode! Nema razloga očajanju. Povijest tvoja, koja bilježi tisućljetno odolijevanje svima neprijateljskim nasrtajima, neka ti ulije u srce hrabrost i vjeru. Da ćeš i ubuduće obraniti ovu svetu grudu svoje domovine i sačuvati je i predati potomstvu kao dragocjenu baštinu.”

Prvom predsjedniku Franji Tuđmanu  na Medvedgradu ,prijavak podnio satnik Dalibor Andreković.

  • “Hrvatska živi tisuću godina, a nama koji smo tako sretno da tu tisućgodišnjicu možemo prislaviti, mora biti u srcu uklesan zavijet, da ćemo sve učiniti, da naše daleko potomstvo opet bude u prigodi da proslavi tisućgodišnjicu Hrvatske, drugu tisućgodišnjicu. Na ovu svečanost pohrlile su u Zagreb nepregledne tisuće hrvatskih sokolova da uveličaju ovo naše narodno slavlje. Mi ih od sveg srca pozdravljamo Dobro došli Hrvatski sokolovi! Dobro nam došli sokolovi u prvi hrvatski grad u ime majke hrvatske pozdravlja vas Zagreb srdačnom dobrodošlicom i zahvaljuje vam, što ste se udružili i sakupili da kažete svima i svakome, da ste bili i da će te ostati obrana hrvatske i štit hrvatski sokol. Okupili ste se pod hrvatskom zastavom, jer ste za svoj poziv odabrali rad oko jačanja i pomlađivanja hrvatstva. Dobro ste shvatili svoju dužnost i ispravno ste zastupali sokolsku misao.”

(dio teksta odabran iz časopisa hrvat od 18.08.1925. Godine, a povodom dolaska kralja Aleksandra u Zagreb).

Sudjelovanje na obilježavanju dana grada Pečuha.

  • Sokol u svojim redovima mora imati ljude koji se odlikuju karakterom, plemenitošću i izobrazbom, a nikada ljude koji se hoće s pomoću sokola da dovinu do kakvih časti ili osobne koristi ili ljudi nemarni, te prema ciljevima sokolskim posve ravnodušni. Pravi sokol ne smije uzmicati pred nijednom zaprjekom. Plemenita misao, isti cilj, oduševljenje, ljubav prema narodu i težnja moraju biti sokolu na korist. Svaki sokol treba da radi neumorno, požrtvovano, da žrtvuje većinu svog slobodnog vremena, da rade s voljom i ljubavi.

Pripadnici počasne sokolske garde na Medvedgradu

  • Zadaća je sokolstva ostvariti velike ideale. Sokolstvo ima da sav hrvatski narod podigne na stupanj kulture savršenosti, da narodu odgoji prave karaktere. Ništa ne može čovjeka učiniti smiješnim, nego kad mijenja svoje uvjerenje iz koristoljublja, kad nema svojih načela, te pada iz jedne nedosljednosti u drugu.

  • “Neka je svaki sokol sokolom tijelom i dušom, neka bude istup njegov svuda dostojan našeg neumornog nastojanja, našeg uspjeha i naše povijesne kulturne snage.”
  • (dio teksta odabran iz spomen spisa i svesokolskog sleta održanog u Zagrebu 1911. godine).

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